Packaging design
Indispensable for absolutely every product intended for any customer, suitable packaging is more than just protecting the product or an information channel for conveying basic content information.
Visually attractive and informatively tuned packaging represent the initial impulse supporting the purchase decision. Through effective packaging with a concise packaging design, the products sell themselves.
We will help you find the path of your products to customers and thus fulfill your business goals. The packaging design from our workshop will ensure that customers not only look at your products.
Visually attractive and informatively tuned packaging represent the initial impulse supporting the purchase decision. Through effective packaging with a concise packaging design, the products sell themselves.
We will help you find the path of your products to customers and thus fulfill your business goals. The packaging design from our workshop will ensure that customers not only look at your products.

What are the benefits of proper packaging design?
What will the right packaging design help you with and what will the wrong one spoil? Nice packaging is not just about a nice look. Appropriate packaging creates a message through its design that it conveys to customers. And a positively presented message can become a long-term mission of the product, which will ensure not only an influx of new customers, but also the retention of regular customers in the long term. We will enable you to fulfill the mission of your products through the design and implementation of adequate packaging design, which will bring you the following benefits:
It attracts attention
stands out from the crowd of other products on the shelves.
It will arouse interest
about the product, about information about it, about its effects and the experience of owning it.
It creates desire
owning a product is starting to become a real need, to which the customer, properly influenced by suitable packaging, will more easily succumb.
It calls to action
it sells with its appearance, color, shape, which, in addition to the initial appeal, can also lead to the end of the purchase.
It will fill you with satisfaction
and in the case of an equally high-quality product that the packaging hides, it will also ensure further sales.
It gives a feeling of uniqueness
not only to the product it wears, but also to its potential owner. After all, owning something nice is a great feeling.
It builds a brand
it forms awareness of the product among the public, thereby opening the doors to new customers.
It works for a long time
a properly designed packaging will, through its design, continue to fulfill its function for several years, in ideal cases even decades.
Thinks prospectively
for the environment and your costs for packaging material.
Wraps efficiently
the packaging design also takes into account the practical side of using the product and handling it or the journey from production to the customer.
We will take all this and a little more into account when creating a packaging design for your products. Add value to your products in the form of effective packaging. Packaging design by PW Galanta will help you with this.
Aké výhody prináša správny
obalový dizajn?
S čím vám správne prevedenie obalov pomôže a čo nesprávne pokazí? Pekný obal nie je len o peknom looku. Vhodný obal prostredníctvom svojho desingu vytvára posolstvo, ktoré sprostredkúva zákazníkom. A z pozitívne podaného posolstva sa môže stať dlhodobé poslanie produktu, ktoré mu zabezpečí nielen prílev nových, ale aj udržanie stálych zákazníkov v dlhodobom horizonte. Umožníme vám naplniť poslanie vašich produktov prostredníctvom návrhu a realizácie adekvátneho obalového dizajnu, ktorý vám prinesie nasledovné výhody:
Upúta pozornosť
vyčnieva z davu ostatných výrobkov v regáloch.
Vzbudí záujem
o produkt, o informácie o ňom, o jeho účinky a zážitok z jeho vlastnenia.
Vyvolá túžbu
vlastniť produkt začína byť reálna potreba, ktorej zákazník správne ovplyvnený vhodným obalom jednoduchšie podľahne.
Vyzve k akcii
predáva svojím vzhľadom, farebnosťou, tvarom, ktorý okrem úvodného vábenia dokáže aj dotiahnuť kúpu do konca.
Naplní spokojnosť
a v prípade rovnako kvalitného produktu, ktorý obal ukrýva, mu zabezpečí aj ďalší odbyt.
Dodá pocit výnimočnosti
nielen produktu, ktorý oblieka, ale aj jeho potenciálnemu majiteľovi. Vlastniť niečo pekné je predsa skvelý pocit.
Buduje značku
formuje povedomie o produkte medzi verejnosťou, čím mu otvára brány k novým zákazníkom.
Funguje dlhodobo
správne navrhnutý obal prostredníctvom svojho dizajnu vydrží spĺňať svoju funkciu niekoľko rokov, v ideálnych prípadoch aj desaťročí.
Myslí perspektívne
na ekológiu aj vaše náklady na obalový materiál.
Obaluje efektívne
obalový design zohľadňuje aj praktickú stránku použitia produktu a tiež manipulácie s ním či cesty z výroby k zákazníkovi.
To všetko a ešte o čosi viac zohľadníme pri tvorbe obalového dizajnu pre vaše produkty. Pridajte svojim výrobkom hodnotu vo forme účinného obalu. Obalový dizajn od PW Galanta vám s tým pomôže.
Packaging design from design to implementation
We Find out your requirements and ideas as well as your long-term goals regarding the product and the brand.
We will propose design variants for your packaging with regard to potential customers and the market situation.
We will photograph your products or images needed for graphic processing of packaging in a professional and attractive way. If you do not have your own visual materials or a photographer available, we will be happy to help you in this area as well.
We will prepare a visualization of the new design of your packaging so that you can imagine it in reality before we transform it into it.
We Correct together with you the proposed options and choose the most suitable one, which we will refine to the smallest detail.
We will make sample packaging according to the approved design, or test packaging in smaller quantities.
We will implement the production of the most successful sample in a large number and style.
We will also provide the packaging material to which the packaging design from our workshop is to be applied. However, we are not against packaging from your direction either. We will not only design the packaging for your products, but also produce, print, print and then wrap or repackage the products, and if necessary, re-store them.
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